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Million Dollar Spirit Business

Sep 8, 2022

We have a truly special episode today as we wrap up the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. In our final episode today, I’m coaching Mercedez Vest through something I’ve coached countless people through: big transitions in your business.


More specifically, Mercedez comes to me looking for advice on...

Aug 25, 2022

In today’s episode, I speak with one of my amazing former clients about a very common problem I bet you’ve faced at many stages of business and entrepreneurship: money energy blocks. Dana, who is a transformation and business coach (and a former Sapphire Mastermind member), comes to me looking for help moving past a...

Jun 23, 2022

Have you ever felt like your marketing efforts aren’t getting you the results you expected them to? More specifically, are you having to generate leads through outbound marketing, such as pitching prospects in the DMs, instead of allowing your content to attract inbound inquiries from your leads themselves?


This is...

Jun 10, 2022

Most business owners encounter a moment in entrepreneurship where attracting clients is easy, but scaling and growing their business past a certain income plateau is a challenge.


That is the problem that Geet Taneja and I address today. Geet comes to me looking for guidance on how she can grow and scale her life...

May 27, 2022

If you’re a fan of the show, it probably comes as no surprise to you that we’re tackling another messaging question today. However, where we wind up at the end of this conversation is actually incredibly different from any previous episodes on messaging that we’ve ever done before. 


In this episode, my guest...